What is your job?
Rapid response paramedic and HART paramedic operative, and student Critical Care Paramedic
Where do you work?
How did you start in this line of work?
Local paper ad
How did you find out about the job? Or where did you get the idea?
My sister in law who is a nurse
How did you get the job?
Application/interview/fitness test/driving assessment
What do you do on an average day?
Anything from minor injuries to cardiac arrest and severe trauma. The HART role will involve a national response to accidental or terrorist release of chemical, biological or radiological devices, urban search and rescue and casualty rescue from dangerous environments such as at height or underground. Also attend university and/or clinical placement in hospital. Once qualified as a CCP I will be tasked to higher acuity incidents which require the specialist skills I will be able to bring.
What hours do you work?
12 hour shifts, nights and days
What’s the best part of the job?
Working with Police/Fire and the variety
And the worst?
Unnecessary calls
What can you not do your job without - Qualifications, licences, insurance, comfy shoes, eye for detail, sense of humour?
State registration, strong stomach, driving licence, ability to relate to all types of people
How much initial investment did you have to spend to get started in your career?
Nothing significant
How does the pay and career path compare to other people you know?
Most of my friends don’t have ‘conventional’ jobs either, or are also paramedics. If, like me, you are always on the look out for a new challenge, then opportunities are there. Pay will never be great in this line of work, but there’s more to life
Can you support yourself, a family, a house on the income from this work, if not do you have to have another job?
I don’t have a family or a mortgage so I do fine
Does your organisation ever advertise for staff? Where?
www.jobs.nhs.uk i think
Have you ever seen other jobs like yours advertised? Where?
See above
What would you be doing if not in this line of work?
I have absolutely no idea.
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