An alternative to finding a job is to set up on your own, there are numerous resources around the web, here are a few of them
- Running Your Own Business
- West London Business Network For small businesses.
- Startups For starting your own business.
- Hounslow Chamber For local businesses in West London, provides networking opportunities.
- Articles on own businesses from a site in Canada.
- Find an accountant - find charted and certified accountants from ACCA.
- Invention Intelligence - a blog about developing your ideas
- Achieving your dreams - a lecture on YouTube
- Mums quit work to start businesses - an article from the BBC
- Live Wire - a resource from Shell aimed at under 30s, but with free advice pages
Under 24 years old? You can now apply for a loan from the Governments Start up Loans fund if you have a business idea.
Once you are in business, networking is a vital tool. Business Connections organises events for SMEs.
But don't assume that advertised Homeworking jobs are as good as they might sound. Bogus homeworking jobs Guidance from BERR (formerly the DTI)
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