Please click all the links we offer and don't forget 'no link is an island'; each page you visit may have many more links to try, and always read the comments to see what other people think.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's not all work work work

Don't forget, while you are job hunting or changing careers you need to maintain game fitness, both mentally and physically. Here are a few links that might help.

odd job, weird job, unusual job, strange job, unusual career, esoteric career, unconventional job, unconventional career, different job, fun job, better job, profession, vocation, occupation, trade, metier, role, job hunt, job search, career change, skills, networking, nine to five, 9 to 5, rat race, work life balance, employee, employer, job seeker, great work, love your work, entrepreneur, Career plan, business plan, livelihood, lifework,  craft, graft,
Personal Development Get inspired, watch free videos of talks, performances and lectures. My personal favourites are Prof Stephen Pinker, Prof Richard Dawkins and Tony Robbins.

Academic Earth also shows videos of lectures

The Happiness Project is an exploration of all the advice there is about how to be happy.

Greater Good from Berkeley also has tools for improving your general wellbeing.

American Universities offer some of their courses online for free. Try one of these:
Online Courses
Vision2Learn offers NVQs in Money, Life, Computer and Management skills
Reference on line, if in doubt, look it up offers all sort of information
All the information ever on the internet is here at

Away from work
  • Plan a Day Out - it's not all work work work, take time out to enjoy.
  • Royal Mail Includes Postcode Finder, Online Stamps and Delivery Tracking.
  • MyPill A handy service to remind you to take your pill (ladies).
  • Cosmetic Labels How to understand all the symbols on the packaging.
  • FlyLady - a briliantly instructive site on keeping clean and tidy and organised.
  • If you are tightening your belt while changing track, you might try becoming a little more self sufficient by growing your own food, even if you have no space you might find some through Landshare.

odd job, weird job, unusual job, strange job, unusual career, esoteric career, unconventional job, unconventional career, different job, fun job, better job, profession, vocation, occupation, trade, metier, role, job hunt, job search, career change, skills, networking, nine to five, 9 to 5, rat race, work life balance, employee, employer, job seeker, great work, love your work, entrepreneur, Career plan, business plan, livelihood, lifework,  craft, graft,
Because we all need a little something to brighten up a week.
Aroma balms from Kate Logan, they smell wonderful and can improve your mood.
Shoe jewellery from PrettyPinkToes to personalise your feet and accessories for your shoes and bag.
Green gadgets and goodies from Nigel.
Have a daily Haiku

Remember it could be worse - yuk!!
Or even dirtier - but Mike seems to love it! And here he gives some thoughts on jobs.

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